Category Archives: Fanfics


Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Director’s Cut fanfic – Part 9

Back to part 8

Part 9.


(Back in the SOL)
Crow: Oh, for a landmine.

An angry man entered the room in the TARDIS where the X-Men, the Sliders, Hindle, the Doctor and his companions were. “Another parallel version of myself”, he said looking at
Hindle. He was wearing military garb, his hand crouched behind him holding some deadly gun.

(Back in the SOL)
Tom: Who’s this guy now?
Mike: How should I know?

“Hindle!” Adric shouted.
There were two Hindles in the room. The one who just came in had a military beret, but one with some unrecognisable insignia. The new Hindle looked at the Professor – “You! But you were dead.”
“It seems you have mistaken me for somebody else.” Arturo looked untrustingly at the Hindle lookalike. “No, no, I’m Colonel Rickman and I killed you, Arturo a few hours ago! You can’t be alive!” Rickman said.
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Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Director’s Cut fanfic – Part 8

Back to part 7

Part 8.

(Back in the SOL)

All: [singing] Five, six, seven, eight. Doctor’s waiting at the gate. Well actually some Ten and Jack rather than Eight.

Crow: Oh, Benny A., you’re good for something.

Mike: Hey! I liked “Transit”!

Crow: You would.

The Doctor silently operated the TARDIS controls and the central
column rose. “Doctor, I can’t believe it. It’s so big inside your
TARDIS” said Xavier.

Continue reading Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Director’s Cut fanfic – Part 8

Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Director’s Cut fanfic – Part 7

Back to part 6

Part 7.

(Back in the SOL)

Mike: [singing] Hope there ain’t eleven.
Author: There are twelve! Doctors, that is. Actually 13, as there’s the War Doctor, and also Ten.

The Doctor’s Diary

(Back in the SOL)

Crow: Now airing on Sky One! Also on Canal Jimmy, TVM2 and Rai Due!

I took a deep breath when I arrived at the TARDIS doors.

(Back in the SOL)

Mike: And held it. And held it. And held it…

Crow: ‘Til I finally passed out and the fanfic ended!
I turned slowly and looked towards the unbelieving mutants. I unlocked the doors, opened them and went inside.

(Back in the SOL)

Tom: It’s more Ratliff!

All: Aaaaah!!

“Well, won’t you follow me, come in!” I told the X-Men.
Continue reading Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Director’s Cut fanfic – Part 7

Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Director’s Cut fanfic – Part 6

Back to part 5

Part 6.

(Back in the SOL)

Crow: [singing] Throw some onions into the mix!

In the meantime, the other X-Men who went to Ellis Island have
returned, with Xavier who has landed once the galactic blockade was removed.

Professor X, Jean Grey, Rogue, Gambit, Psylocke, Bishop, Shadowcat, Beast,
Thunderbird, Nightcrawler, Colossus and the alien woman Cerise
were present in the professor’s Ready Room. The Doctor and his
companions, together with Hindle and the Sliders entered the room and they sat down.

(Back in the SOL)

Tom: It’s a Ratliff scene! Run!

Crow: Good idea, Tom!

[Crow bolts out of the theater.]

Mike: Crow! Get back here! Oh, cripes.

Tom: [unsteadily] Mike? I’m feeling a little wooozyyy… [Tom slumps over]
Continue reading Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Director’s Cut fanfic – Part 6

Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Rewrite of the Original, or The Director’s Cut – Part 5

Back to part 4

Part 5.

(Back in the SOL)

Tom: [singing] Stayin’ alive! Stayin’ alive!

Mike: That’s the spirit, Tom!

The familiar wheezing sound of

(Back in the SOL)

Crow: The ’85 Jimmy as it climbed a hill…

the TARDIS could be heard in an alley
Continue reading Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Rewrite of the Original, or The Director’s Cut – Part 5

Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Rewrite of the Original, or The Director’s Cut – Part 4

Back to part 3

Part 4.

(Back in the SOL)
All: [singing] Deedle doodle door!


After the TARDIS has travelled to Universe-616, the Doctor has entered the co-ordinates of Earth-616, but somehow something is is blocking the TARDIS, as soon as it reaches the outer edges of the Solar System.
Adric said “The TARDIS scanners are indicating a huge facility with thousands of inhabitants, of various alien races, beyond the orbit of Pluto.” “It appears to be a transmat terminus, due to the energies which are being generated there”, the Doctor commented. “We’ll have to materialise there first”
“Doctor, is Earth-616 the same as our own Earth Prime?” asked Arturo.
“No, it is not. I am sorry.” the Doctor replied.
Continue reading Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Rewrite of the Original, or The Director’s Cut – Part 4

Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Rewrite of the Original, or The Director’s Cut – Part 3

Back to part 2

Part 3.

(Back in the SOL)
All: [singing] Watch out for that tree!

(PU, a couple of minutes back) Tegan exclaimed “Oh my God, that’s the Mara which had taken control of me, way back on Deva Loka!
Doctor, please don’t let it take control of me again!”
(Back in the SOL)
Crow: [Tegan] It might give me a personality or angst or something!

Nyssa said “calm down Tegan, the Doctor will find a way, you know he always does.”
(Back in the SOL)
Mike: Funny how most of his solutions rarely work until he kicks the

Continue reading Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Rewrite of the Original, or The Director’s Cut – Part 3

Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Rewrite of the Original, or The Director’s Cut – Part 2

Back to Part 1

Part 2.

A few days ago, The Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa and Adric were travelling in the TARDIS when suddenly something shook the TARDIS. Tegan was certain that the floor and the walls of the rooms of the TARDIS were melting or even disappearing.
Tegan had just experienced one of her recurring nightmares. She could not understand why she kept having these since she was now free of the Mara, according to the Doctor.

The Mara was a pure essence of evil, a primeval being.
She suspected the Mara was responsible for these dreams. On the Kinda’s world, Deva Loka, the Mara had taken control of her mind for its evil purposes, entering our universe in this way. But the Doctor had found a way to banish the Mara back to where it apparently came from, using a circle of mirrors.

The truth, however, was there was more than one Mara, and more than one kind. After the Federation had been formed, the earliest Mara (or Maras, it is not known) and its own Sumaran Empire had been defeated on Manussa, the Sumaran Empire homeworld, by the Federation’s flagship – the Enterprise – commanded by a young Jonathan B. Archer (the B. stood for Beckett as in Sam Beckett). The Mara was only banished to what the Doctor called the dark places of the inside. But was there one Mara, more than one, or a large number which were inter-connected like the Borg species were?
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Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Rewrite of the Original, or The Director’s Cut, part 1

Original Version was Published on 24th December 1995 in THE SCROLLS OF GALLIFREY, a DOCTOR WHO FANZINE (FOURTH ISSUE)

A sequel of sorts to KINDA (1980’s Doctor Who episode with the 5th Doctor)

I wrote a sequel to this story starring the 5th Doctor Who and the Movie X-Men (Doctor Who and the X-Men: Version II) this time.
Following that I rewrote the original story as follows. It is now a different spin and take on the story, with the added guests of the Sliders and Hindle, and it happens during the Maximum Security events of 2000. It kick starts the WhoSliders series of fanfics.
Continue reading Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Rewrite of the Original, or The Director’s Cut, part 1


This is the crossover fanfic in my fan-series which features a parallel universe Moonbase Alpha (Space:1999) as it would occur in Universe-777 (the Stargate & Doctor Who universe).

Story (C) 2007-2016 Mr SciRev

Previous episode: AlphaGate 6

For the Stargate Timeline, it happens after Stargate Atlantis 4×3 and the Stargate Continuum movie.
For the 10th Doctor it occurs after the first Star Trek (2009) reboot universe fanfic on this site which can be found here.

SPOILER: V: The Original Series.

What you need to know:
“The IOA (International Oversight Advisory) has set up a top secret base on the moon powered by a ZPM (Zero-Point Module) – an ancient power source. Stargate Command has commissioned special crafts called Eagles and a Stargate – a ring-like device created by the Ancients able to send people through a wormhole – but one without a protective iris. A separate section on the moon houses a super-hadron collider. A mysterious hyperdrive in the catacombs of the moon has been activated, catapulting the moon to an unknown area in space.The moon ended up sliding through different parallel universes..
Meanwhile back on Earth-777, another moon has just materialised in the place of the missing moon. Aboard the moonbase are reptilian aliens known as the Visitors. They had attempted to bombard earth’s Stargate but failed thanks to the iris.

The Doctor is an alien explorer through time and space, going to amazing and terrible places in the universe, armed with his fantastic sonic screwdriver. The Tenth Doctor is currently travelling with Spock Prime.

The Doctor’s TARDIS in the 22nd Century

Spock Prime, as he was affectionately called by Captain Kirk, left with the Doctor, in his TARDIS. Only a few hours ago he had overseen the beaming down of the survivors of the destruction of the planet Vulcan. It had been utterly and completely destroyed by the Romulan villain Nero.
The Doctor was wearing a pinstripe suit and Spock was still wearing his Starfleet uniform.

After some time the Doctor dematerialised the TARDIS on the moon. At this point in time there was a rather large moonbase structure and the Doctor told Spock all about this. This was still in Spock’s past and after all it was not his universe (Spock was from a parallel universe).
Continue reading AlphaGate #7 – EUROVISION GALACTICA