Category Archives: 5th Doctor Adventures (Pre-WhoSliders)

Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Rewrite of the Original, or The Director’s Cut, part 1

Original Version was Published on 24th December 1995 in THE SCROLLS OF GALLIFREY, a DOCTOR WHO FANZINE (FOURTH ISSUE)

A sequel of sorts to KINDA (1980’s Doctor Who episode with the 5th Doctor)

I wrote a sequel to this story starring the 5th Doctor Who and the Movie X-Men (Doctor Who and the X-Men: Version II) this time.
Following that I rewrote the original story as follows. It is now a different spin and take on the story, with the added guests of the Sliders and Hindle, and it happens during the Maximum Security events of 2000. It kick starts the WhoSliders series of fanfics.
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