FANFIC: First Times

This is the crossover fanfic in my fan-series which features Doctor Who and Continuum.

Story (C) 2018 Mr SciRev

Previous episode:  –

For the Continuum Timeline, it happens after the first episode of the first season.

SPOILER: Episode 1×2

What you need to know:
“Protector Kiera has followed a group of terrorists named Liber8 who escaped their execution in 2077 and went back to the year 2012. ”


The First Doctor has been captured by Liber8, having been mistaken for a nuclear physicist named Simon Fraser, after the Doctor entered his office. The Doctor was attempting to find traces of the device the physicist was building, as it could be used to create a primitive time travel device.

“What’s that, my boy, a nuclear physcist?”
“Yes. We know you are Professor Fraser”, Travis replied.
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